A Different Kind of Number
Not all numbers are created equal.
Most of the numbers we use every day only measure things like how much, how big or how many. These kinds of numbers are called SCALAR numbers.
Another kind of number has an important new concept included. That new concept is that these numbers and measurements now include a direction. These numbers which include BOTH a magnitude AND a direction are called VECTOR numbers.
The first video below defines both scalars and vectors and illustrates the differences between them.
The first video below defines both scalars and vectors and illustrates the differences between them.
When we use these vectors, it now becomes necessary to include their direction into the mathematics as well as the magnitude. Interestingly, vectors are frequently used in our daily living, but we seldom pay attention to the direction component of the vector. We just automatically take the vector components into consideration. For instance, if we are riding a bicycle in a straight line with a certain velocity and a wind is blowing directly into our face, we realize that our normal velocity is now reduced. Once we understand that, we begin pedaling harder to bring our velocity back to what we desire.
Watch the following video to begin the process of learning how we do the mathematics of vectors.
The next video will show you how to find the RESULTANT of adding several vectors together using the "head to tail" method of adding vectors.